
Monday, May 23, 2016

Week 2, Day 8 #BigGirlsDoItRunning

Day 8 of #BigGirlsDoItRunning

If you missed the previous week, check out the label "Wilder Way" at the bottom of the post and it will get you to all the previous posts!

Quick recap of the evening of Day 5 and of Days 6 & 7 since I don't usually blog on the weekends.

Friday lunch (Day 5) I had my salad, some left over green beans and strawberries.  Amazing.  Filling and happy camper.  I felt energized.  In the afternoon, I had a Nature Valley bar.  When I got home, I went for a walk, 4.02 Miles and cut my time by 4 mins from Thursday!  Dinner was tacos, homemade.  I had a large taco salad but did make 2 hard shell tacos afterward.  I was a little upset with myself for the tacos but they tasted amazing so I tried not to harp on it.

Saturday (Day 6) I woke up to weighing 243.2.  Insane.  There is no way someone can lose 3 lbs in less than a day.  I figured something was wrong with the scale.  Breakfast was eggs, bacon, and strawberries.  It was amazing.  No walk Saturday because I spent the entire day detailing and cleaning out my car.  Say what you want but that was a workout in itself.  Lunch was a hamburger with some sauted jalapenos and onions along with some grapes on the side. That evening we cooked out with the neighbors.  I took bbq chicken breasts and wings and asparagus.  The asparagus was amazing!  Everyone was raving over it which made me feel great.  I did it on the grill, but tossed it in olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic powder.  My downfall on Saturday night was having 3 Mango-ritas, 2 smores and chips and ranch from a local Mexican restaurant.  Bad, bad me.

Sunday (Day 7) I slept in until 10.  Unheard of normally!  I weighed in at 246, more normal in my opinion from the day before.  I had a cold chicken breast from the day before and some grapes for breakfast.  Then I went for my walk/run.  Holy crap it was hot outside and the sun was crazy hot!  I did cut my time to being under an hour so I'm proud of that.  When I got back I packed up the kids and took them to a local horse show.  That was fun.  They begged to get ice cream afterward.  It's actually frozen yogurt so I said sure.  I had a small bowl.  Normally I'd have eaten off the kids but they both wanted cotton candy flavor.  Yuck.  Right next door to the froyo shop is Buffalo Wild Wings.  Sue me, I was tired and didn't want to cook so I got take out.  I had the chicken tender salad.  As I was eating it, I kept telling myself to only eat half, but since I didn't have lunch I ate it all.  My downfall and totally my fault was me ordering a side of Mac and Cheese.  Even though it tasted good, I was disgusted with myself afterward.

Water and I have become best friends.  I'm drinking it like I'm dying in the desert though so that's strange that I'm constantly thirsty.  Is that even right?  I don't know.  I didn't have any diet coke though, only those mango-ritas on Saturday.  So woo hoo in that department.

That brings us up to date and onto day 8, the beginning of week 2.

Week 2:  The Challenge:
Part 1: Eating

Cut out all sugar during the day until dinnertime.  She gives some suggestions for lunches and things to snack on while you are on this journey.    I still packed my Nature Valley bar, but I'm hoping I won't grab it.  That's my goal since that's really the only thing I have during the day that consists of non natural sugars.

Breakfast was the usual, eggs with green peppers and onions.  Super food to start the day.

Part 2: Movement

She suggests you start moving 3 times this week for 30 minutes.  This I don't have a problem with since I'm already doing this and more.  So I'm good to go with this part.

She assigns "homework" this week.  Daily is to document your weight (which I'm already doing).  Weekly is to take pictures.  She also asks to take waist measurements.  I can't find my tape measure.  I never can when I need it so I've already lost a week.  Boo.

Week 2 start stats:
Weight: 248 (WTH) This I am NOT happy with but trying to ignore it.

Here's my first week picture and this week picture.  Week 1 is on the left, week 2 on the right.

My hubby and friend can see a difference.  I see a sunburn and an ill fitting bra.  LOL.  Anyways, onward and upward.  

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